October Baby

October Baby

Discounted tickets available for opening weekend in Naples

March 23, 24, 25


OCTOBERBABY tells the story of Hannah, a young woman who learns that her life is much different than what she’s known up until now. After learning she was actually adopted — after a failed abortion attempt — Hannah embarks on an incredible journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future. Check out a powerful scene featuring Hannah (Rachel Hendrix) and a woman who knows about Hannah’s past (Jasmine Guide).* (visit www.octoberbabymovie.net)

Trailers from the film will be shown at the Faith and Wine and Faith and Ale events this week.

 “October Baby is the most gripping drama ever produced about the central civil rights issue of our time—the right to life. The script is superb, the acting is first-class, and the presentation is flawless. No one who sees this film will ever think the same way again about the tragedy of abortion. Young people, in particular, will find it intensely moving. This is a must-see movie for all Americans.”

~ Bill Donohue, President, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights*

“Words cannot express how moved I was by OCTOBER BABY. In today’s society with so many kids growing up without purpose, this film captures the essence of the importance of every person’s life. At this critical time in the life of our culture, I am calling every man, father, grandfather and father figure to see this magnificent film. You must see film!”

~ Carey Casey, CEO, National Center for Fathering*

For more info or to see a trailer of the movie, visit


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