Parish Mission with Fr. Carl Arico

parish mission

Parish Mission with Fr. Carl Arico

Will Be Offered February 27, 28, 29

Fr. Carl Arico will lead our parish mission in “A Taste of Silence” next month.
The mission will be offered to the parish Monday, February 27, Tuesday, February 28 and Wednesday February 29 following the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

Additionally, the mission will be offered from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the church, with Benediction to follow.

Fr. Arico will preach at all the Masses the weekend of February 25 and 26.

Monday’s presentations include: “Spiritual Journey”, “Active Prayer”, “Prayer as a Relationship”, “Lectio Divina Tradition” and “Prayer Experience”. Tuesday’s presentations include: “Reflection”, “Taste of Silence”, “Centering Prayer”, “Thoughts” and “Letting Go of Thoughts”. Wednesday’s presentations include: “Reflection”, “Pretty Poisons of Good”, “Moral People”, “Centering Prayer” and “Extending a Taste of Silence into Daily Life”.

During ths week of spiritual renewal, Fr. Arico will be available for private conferences on Monday and Tuesday afternoon.The opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation will be offered Monday and Tuesday evening.

During his 50 years in the priesthood, Fr. Arico has been a parish priest, pastor and high school instructor in the Archdiocese of Newark (New Jersey). He was active in the diocesan marriage and family ministry program and served as director of priest personnel. In 1987, he joined the Contemplative Outreach Ministry.

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