Adult Faith Enrichment Presents…

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Adult Faith Enrichment Presents


with Peter Kreeft, Ph.D.

Tues., Jan. 10th 11am-1pm
St. John the Evangelist Ballroom

Join us for a lively and thought provoking talk on angels, demons and God’s answer to suffering given by guest speaker, Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Boston College and at King’s College (Empire State Building), in New York City.

“The answer (to suffering) must be someone, not just something. For the problem (suffering) is about someone (God—why does he…why doesn’t he…?) rather than just something. To question God’s goodness is not just an intellectual experiment. It is rebellion or tears. It is a little child with tears in its eyes looking up at Daddy and weeping, “Why?” This is not merely the philosophers’ “why?” Not only does it add the emotion of tears but also it is asked in the context of relationship. It is a question put to the Father, not a question asked in a vacuum.”

RSVP to secure your seat!

Regina Pena, 239.777.4116


Stephanie Wardein, 239-289-5541 
[email protected]


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