Letter to the Parish: Immokalee Needs our Help

A member of our Parish Family had a direct and powerful impact in Immokalee this past week during Hurricane Irma and its aftermath.  Ben Weber is an Assistant Principal at Immokalee High School.  He assisted with the establishment of the Red Cross Emergency Shelter within the school.  He was inspired to write this letter to Saint John:

Parish family,

I hope and pray that you are on the road to recovery from any damage left by Hurricane Irma.  I realize that all of us saw varying degrees of impact to our lives, homes, businesses, even our parish campus.  During this recovery time, please do not forget some of the poorest in our neighboring community of Immokalee.  Having worked in Immokalee for the past six years, I have witnessed just how special the community is, as well as the need that is present there.  As many as 500 people have been staying in shelters after the storm passed because they have nowhere else to go.  Others are attempting to continue living in apartments that have lost their roofs.  These are fathers who cannot shelter their families and mothers who are not able to feed their children.  Some do not have the means to travel or family to put them up.  We can all understand that “calling FEMA” is not the immediate solution that is needed for these neighbors.  Funds are useful, but this community also needs our time, our hands, and our prayers. 

May God bless you for your charity. 

Ben Weber

Saint John has established a Donation Center on our campus that will be open from 9 AM to 3 PM everyday for non-perishables that we will deliver to the Guadalupe Social Services long-term shelter in Immokalee, as well as for the Guadalupe Center.  If you are able to contribute directly to the relief efforts, you can make a donation to the Catholic Charities organization at the link below.  Please put “Hurricane Irma Relief”, or “Guadalupe Social Services Shelter” on the web page section that asks for the “name of the Catholic Charities program or service”.

Diocese of Venice Catholic Charities Online Giving 

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