Safety Concerns with Parking

IMG_2288As we see more and more members of our Parish Family coming back to our campus these past few weeks, we have also noticed that some people are creating safety concerns in where and how they are parking their vehicles.  In the past, I have requested that we all take into account the safety of our community when we park on our campus, especially during Mass and major programs like Faith Formation.  It is completely understandable that people want to park as close as possible to the church.  Some of our Parish Family have challenges with mobility, and we want to prioritize their ability to celebrate the Sacraments with close parking.  Additionally, we have placed signs in key locations, designating those locations for expectant mothers and veterans.  Other signs have been posted to clearly show spots where we cannot have parking.  Those throughways are essential for the safety of our entire Parish Family.  We need to have clear access for fire trucks and ambulances, in case of a medical incident.

While almost everyone has been respectful of these attempts to create the safe and protected environment here at St. John, there are still some individuals who continue to park inappropriately.  Please take into consideration our entire Parish Family when you park on our campus.  Thank you!

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