Determining Our Own Needs: Helping Each Other With Helping Hands

It is our Mission, To Know, To Love, and To Serve God, in His Church and Our Community.  We have spoken about how important service is to our faith.  Pope Francis even made it a point this week:


But, how can we serve each other in our Parish Family, if we do not know what we all need?  Some of us may have just lost a loved one.  Some of us may have lost our ability to drive.  Others may have gotten into an accident or been hurt by someone else in their lives.  How can we help each other?  By journeying through this life together.  Pope Francis continued this theme:

This is the Church’s mission, to be God’s sacrament of mercy in every place and time.  As Christians, therefore, God asks us to be his witnesses, first by opening our own hearts to his divine mercy, and then by sharing that mercy towards all people, especially those who suffer.  In this way, our works of mercy and charity will offer to the world a glimpse of the face of Christ.  In the Gospel, Jesus explains that we especially show the Father’s mercy when we pardon one another, for we express the free gift of God’s love, and help one another on the way of conversion.  Jesus invites us also to give freely, for all we have has been freely given to us by God, and we will receive only in the measure that we freely give to others.  Merciful love is the only path, for by it we are able to make known the Father’s mercy that has no end.

–Pope Francis 9/21/2016 (

Saint John the Evangelist is committed to ensuring every member of our Parish Family is taken care of.  From Grief Support Groups to our ministries and activities, we will continue to grow the opportunities for us all to come together and help each other.  We have gathered input on the priorities you have for these programs.  But, there is one thing we have not done yet.  We have not asked what you may need, as an individual.  Is there something St. John can do for you?  Are you looking for someone to talk to?  Need a ride to go to the grocery store?  Please know that your Parish Family is here for you.

Sure, some of us may be private and not want to open up about our needs.  Even those of us that may not want to ask for help, I hope it is a comfort that we are all here for each other.

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