New Missal on its Way: Breaking Bread

bp-171We have listened to the dozens of our Parish Family who have almost unanimously requested to move on from the St. Augustine Hymnal you can see in the pews every time you come to Mass.  From the weight of the book to the structure of the reading locations to the incorrect music keys, we have heard you loud and clear.  We will instead be transitioning to Breaking Bread, a Missal that provides a clear, year-long liturgical accompaniment. This option gives us Daily Mass Propers integrated into the missal, as well as a clear and concise structure and detailed music that we can all follow along with.  This missal will fit right into our existing plastic covers and will immediately be easier to hold for all ages.  If you would like to learn more about our new Missal, you can read all about it at:

Thank you so much for your feedback and involvement in such a critical decision for our Parish Family!

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