St. John Welcomes Father Paul D’Angelo: Teacher and Preacher

FrPaulWe are very blessed to have received Father Paul D’Angelo as the new Associate Priest at Saint John the Evangelist.  From the moment you meet him, you will see that he is a special individual and wonderful priest.

Father Paul comes from the Boston area, where he spent 15 years as a high school and college teacher.  He taught World History, Sociology and Psychology.  This experience instilled a deep passion in him for life-long learning and engagement.  After those wonderful years as a teacher, he was asked to instruct other teachers in new processes and he traveled the country to enhance learning.  However, he was pulled towards his vocation.  He entered the seminary, and given his clear capability to reach people with his words and deeds, he was given the option to finish his education in any Diocese in the country.  We are all glad he chose the Diocese of Venice.  Once ordained, he was assigned to Saint Williams down the street.  After several years, he was reassigned to St. Joseph in Bradenton.  Now, he is right back in Naples, and we are glad to have him.

Father Paul will not only lend his special talents for homilies, but he will also engage our Parish Family as the Chaplin of Faith Formation, ensuring direct clergy engagement with all our mission activities, especially “To Know”.   Please welcome Father Paul the next time you stop by the office or when you see his new, fresh face after Mass.  You will be glad you did!

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