Last Chance for Survey: Help Us Choose the Future

We need lay people who take risks, who get their hands dirty, who are not afraid of making mistakes, who go forward. We need lay people with a vision of the future, not confined to the little things of life. – Pope Francis

surveyHow is it that we are so in tune with Our Holy Father’s vision of the Catholic Church?  The above quotation comes from a speech Pope Francis gave just this past Friday and could not be more apropos to what we are accomplishing here at St. John.  We are opening the doors wide and need all the help we can get from every member of our Parish Family for the upcoming events and programs that start this year.  Over the last month, we have had over 1,100 people fill out the new parish programs survey, and we are nearing the end of the opportunity to have your voice heard.  I cannot stress how important it is for each and every family to take the time to fill out this survey.  We will be making serious decisions on the focus of the resources of Saint John the Evangelist for three categories of programs:

These programs will cross the five age ranges of our Parish Family and the larger community:

  • Children
  • Youth
  • Young Adults
  • Adults
  • Experienced

We all have a chance to create this vision of the future that Pope Francis is calling us to accomplish.  The link for the survey can be found directly:

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While the money has been pledged in our Build Our Future, Serve Our Past capital campaign to build our Life Center and some of our other urgent needs, we still need our entire Parish Family to give in order to reach our additional goals, including the detailed execution of the above programs. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

You can also learn more information about the Campaign at:

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