Getting #ToKnow Our Staff – Artistic Director Ellie Roberts

As part of an on-going effort to communicate the renewed focus and efforts of our Parish Mission, I wanted to continue a new series in our bulletin, Getting #ToKnow Our Staff.  We will spotlight a staff member here at Saint John, including some of their responsibilities and background.  That way, if you have a question, or need some assistance, you can put a name and face to those that will be helping you.

ellieOne of the saddest moments I have had in my current position here at St. John was the announcement that Ellie Roberts, our Cantor and Choir Director, was planning on a transition to North Carolina, ending her over decade-long support to our Parish Family.  Most of you have experienced her beautiful voice during Mass, uplifting our spirits during these moments of encounter.  The choir was heartbroken as well.  The Holy Spirit has been working through all of us, however.  I am so pleased to announce that Ellie has instead decided to make her permanent home here in Naples.  She was inspired by our decision to develop a persistent music program at St. John, with lessons and concerts, and determined that creating this new artistic environment is exactly the challenge she has been looking for all her life.

Ellie has a been a part of the Saint John the Evangelist Music team for 15 years. She has a professional music career in Opera and Classical performance. She performed for the Pamiro Opera company in Green Bay, WI, the Island Opera Theater in Key West and Opera Naples in Naples, FL. Ellie was a feature soloist and chorister with the Bach Ensemble in Naples and recently performed the Pergolesi Stabat Mater and the Vivaldi Gloria with the group. She has also performed with the Green Bay Symphony. Ellie has performed in many concerts at St. John, with her most recent recital in January 2015 performing German Lieder and sacred favorites.

Ellie has also been an administrator in the nonprofit field in Naples for the past 10 years, working in Child Welfare, Mentorship and Programs for adults with Developmental Disabilities.

Ellie’s expanded role as Artistic Director adds several responsibilities beyond her current Choir Director position.  Ellie will oversee the development of our new Music Department, incorporating both the instructional (choirs, individual and group lessons) and the appreciation (concert series, musical and theatrical events, open mic nights, etc.) for our Parish Family and the local community.  Additionally, she will be responsible for all our fine arts programs, ranging from painting classes to theatrical programs.  There are so many opportunities to assist people who have thought about learning an instrument or singing that think they are “too old” or don’t have the money to do so.  She will help make St. John a focal point of arts and music for Southwest Florida, where we can assist in making music approachable and economical for all ages and all walks of life.

I am joyous and grateful to be able to bring my expertise in Music, Program Development and administration to this endeavor. This is fulfillment of a long time dream to begin a school for the arts to students of all ages while enhancing our parish family and bringing many beautiful and uplifting events to our church in the future.

We are so blessed as a Parish Family to have Ellie continuing to cantor for us during Mass and even more so for her ability and excitement to build an artistic community here at St. John for all of us to participate in and enjoy.

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