Parish Family Celebrates Mary and Mother’s Day with the May Crowning

IMG_9480May 8 was a special day for several reasons here at St. John.  Not only was it Mother’s Day, but we were able to celebrate the mothers, grandmothers, and motherly figures that have helped to shape our lives together as a Parish Family  during the 11 AM Mass with our May Crowning.  This event recognizes the mother of our Church, Mary.  Our recent First Communicants, were looking sharp in their dresses, suits and other formal attire from the previous day’s sacramental excitement.  Almost 30 young men and women carried white roses to our statue of Mary holding the infant Jesus and two special communicants, Dylan Feeney and Jelena Trika, placed gold crowns on the statue’s heads.  Father John used incense to bless Mary and illustrate her role in our faith as mother to us all.

The Family Mission wants to thank all those involved in making this wonderful day, from Tricia Schwarz, who made over 100 homemade cross cookies, to Andy and Kay Sanfelippo, who ensured the flowers and liturgical environment were ready for the ceremony, to all of those who prepared the children for our celebration.  We are very blessed as a Parish Family to share such a amazing moment of faith and thanksgiving for all the women in our lives.

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