2016 Summer Camps: VBS and Full STEAM Ahead!

cave-quest-vbs-logoThe month of June is going to be a change for many groups here on campus, so if you are involved in programs that normally meet here, please speak with the office or the leader of your group. For  two weeks (June 13 – 17 and June 27 – May 1), every single room in our facilities will be utilized all day and all night for two special summer camps, our own Vacation Bible School (which you can read more about in the upcoming weeks) and the local Cub Scout Camp, which supports all the local troops, including the Cub Scouts. In addition, for the remainder of the summer, our STEAM Summer Camp will be held in the mornings and afternoons in the Parish Life Center Classrooms, which will require some groups to migrate over to the Claussen Center for their meetings. By building these new programs and events, we will continue to enliven our faith in all age groups and support and encourage joyous and loving involvement in our Parish Family.


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