New Online Prayer List Extension to Give More the Healing Love of our Parish

praying-rosary-file0001508606271It has been extraordinary to see the healing and love that so many of our Parish Family need from our church.  You could probably tell from all the names of those called to God, that it has been especially difficult last week.  You can also take a look at our Prayer List, which has swelled that the text of the page has been shrunk down to almost unreadable.  These individuals and their families desperately need our prayers and support.   However, with long-term battles with cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, and so many other illnesses and difficulties, it has become hard to keep all names on the page.  Darlene Follese spends every waking moment ministering and reaching out to those needing our prayers.

We are happy to announce the expansion of our Prayer List program to include those needing our thoughts, wishes and intentions for one month within the bulletin.  That is an increase of the standard 2 weeks.  Once an individual has reached the month, their name will be transitioned to our permanently available online Prayer List.  This list will be maintained by Darlene just like the one in the bulletin, and everyone will be asked to pray for these people in concert with the Prayer List in the Bulletin.  This will allow us to serve all those in need of our prayers for as long as they need us.

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