Our Parish Family on a Mission: Youth Acolytes

IMG_0623I have been reflecting on the amazing experience of the World Meeting of Families and the moment I watched my wife with my youngest daughter both awestruck as Our Holy Father passed by, gleaming white in his Popemobile, only 30 feet away from them.  It still brings tears to my eyes, thinking of the amazing experience of the Papal Mass, when my son asked my wife to read the Homily to him because he could not understand the words, but loved the tone and compassion of Pope Francis.  While the past weeks have been a whirlwind of changes and excitement at St. John, including our largest Faith Formation program ever, it has filled me with joy to be reminded time and again about how much families and the youth contribute to our community, for all ages.

The Parish Family and the church is made up all of us, and through every contribution, every word of encouragement, and every sacrifice we all make, we are renewing and living out our faith with our actions.  Affirming our Mission focus, Pope Francis just this past week said:

I would like to reflect on some aspects of the profound relationship between the Church and the family, with a view to the common good of society.  When families journey along the way of the Lord, they offer a fundamental witness to God’s love, and they deserve the full commitment and support of the Church.  In the family we learn of the bonds which unite us, of fidelity, sincerity, trust, cooperation and respect, even when difficulties abound.  Indeed it is in family life that the most vulnerable of society are cared for.  And yet, political and economic life today does not always support the family, and seems to have lost the ability to incorporate the virtues of family life into the common life of society.  Here the Church is called to exercise her mission by first examining to what extent she is living as the family of God. Like Saint Peter, the Church is called to be a fisher of men, and so too needs a new type of net.

Families are this net.  They free us from the sea of loneliness and indifference, so that we can all experience the freedom of being children of God.  May the Church go out into the deep, confident that the catch will be great. – Pope Francis 10/7/2015

Our Parish Family is indeed this net.  In particular, I want thank all the families who have dedicated their time and effort on behalf of our parish as part of our Youth Acolyte Programs.  Acolytes, usually a term reserved for Altar Servers and Lectors, can be considered for all those who support the most sacred and cherished part of our faith, the Mass.  Here are a few of those opportunities:

  • Altar Servers: Weekend Masses are served by our Youth Altar Server Program.  I have been blessed to run this Ministry for several years and the day my son asked to be a Server (without my prompting, I promise), was a proud day for me.  They serve with discipline, dedication, and devotion.
  • Youth Lectors: At both the 11AM and 5PM Masses on Sunday, the Youth Lectors proclaim the Word of God for all of us with joy. Miguel Castillo and Tricia Schwarz lead this program. [email protected]
  • Youth Choir: Tom Oram leads our Youth Choir so their melodious voices can be heard at many 11 AM Masses. They bring smiles and life to the parish as they sing. [email protected]
  • Family Ushers: Have you recently received a bulletin as you walked into church from a young man or woman?  Had a family pass you a basket during Mass?  Our Usher program has been invigorated with new families ready to welcome our Parish Family and ensure all questions are answered.  If your family is interested in participating, please contact John Smith, who is the Lead Usher. [email protected]

Busg Gardens Altar ServerWith upcoming trips and events for our Youth Acolyte participants, we cannot provide enough thanks for their continued efforts.  As always, we need further support for these tasks for our Parish Family, so if your youth (and you as parents, grandparents, and guardians) are interested in participating in this joyous function of our church, please contact the names above and they will answer any questions you might have and help you in this path to serve our church.

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