Stay Safe This Weekend and Monday

173843W5_NL_smWe all pray that the Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church Parish Family and our community will stay safe and protected during the potential oncoming weather event this weekend and into next week.  Tropical Storm Erika is expected to pass directly overhead Naples around 8AM on Monday morning.  If you have not yet made plans and developed your emergency kit, we highly recommend you take precautions.  Storm surge, the water coming in from the ocean, can sometimes be worse than the rain and wind associated with a storm like this.

If you are looking for resources for your personal and family plans, please visit the FEMA Ready Site.

ARC_RR_Seal_2015Saint John has instituted its business continuity plan and will communicate any changes to our standard Mass and office schedule by Sunday, if a change is warranted.  May God keep you safely in the palm of his hand.

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