Blessed Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II Become Saints This Sunday

web-ad-myusccb-canonization-270x200-montageBlessed Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II Become Saints This Sunday

This Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday, where we celebrate how mercy from God and from all of us to each other in our new “age of mercy” redeems the world, Blessed Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II will be Canonized as saints. But, how does that happen exactly? Why are they called Blessed now, when they are not saints? Here’s the cheat sheet on becoming a saint:

  1. Person can be nominated to become a saint 5 years after their death (unless the Pope waives that requirement as has occurred for Blessed John Paul II). They are then called “Servant of God”.
  2. Testimony is provided of the life and virtues of the individual, and if the Pope recognizes those Heroic Virtues, they are then called “Venerable”.
  3. A miracle must be investigated and approved. Once the miracle has been approved, the individual can be called “Blessed”.
  4. Finally, if a second miracle is investigated and approved (or, in the case of Blessed Pope John XXIII, who called the Second Vatican Council, proving his courage, the Pope can waive the requirement). The individual is now called “Saint”.


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