Father John took our Youth Acolytes (the Altar Servers and Lectors) up to Tampa this past weekend as thanks for all their dedication and hard work for our parish. Each week, the Youth Lectors spend several hours studying the readings and preparing to proclaim the Word for our parish. Our Altar Servers continue to assist the priests each weekend for every Mass and ensure a smooth Liturgy. Over 45 of our parish youth left with Father at 7 AM on Saturday to spend the day riding exciting roller coasters and even attempted to be some of the first to ride the new Falcon’s Fury, the latest thrill-seeker ride. While an afternoon thunderstorm may have slowed the park down, it did not dampen the spirits of our kids, who kept riding until the park closed. We want to thank all the parishioners in their continued support and encouragement of our youth, especially those that give back to our community with such devotion to our faith.